How brand perception changes depending on cognitive load and emotional intensity during navigation
Our investigation activity regarding the cognitive load of a digital experience, conducted without interruptions and divisions by tasks.
3' reading time
Unifarco: how to best convey the most relevant information on cosmetic product labels
The project for Unifarco had the aim of conveying the most relevant information on the labels of cosmetic products in the best possible way.
1' reading time
People and social media: our research to design more effective experiences and content
Our research on the experience of using social media and on the variation in eye behavior depending on the structure of the channel.
2' reading time
Haier: continues the research activity to improve the product experience
We have been collaborating with Haier for several years in order to improve the user experience of its electronic and digital products.
2' reading time
Improving the retail experience with people: our research on the travel agencies of the future
In TSW, the main focus of interest is the experiences lived by people, some of these increasingly shifting towards digital, as in the case of retail.
2' reading time
Moderated usability test VS unmoderated usability test: is there a difference?
Methodical insight into our approach based on listening and analysis of experiences. In many cases, the investigation mode is a usability test.
2' reading time
TSW at the Master in Business & Management of the University of Padua
TSW at the MBM of the University of Padua: lesson on scientific methodology applied to the cosmetics sector, to test creams and personal care products.
1' reading time
TSW with Salone del Mobile: how SEO, Digital Analytics and sensory research improve the quality of customer experience
TSW, and its SEO and Digital Analytics teams, designed the best search experience that users could have together with the Salone del Mobile.
1' reading time
What neuromarketing is (not) and how neuroscience and research improve customer experience
Neuromarketing and neuroscience are shedding their sensationalist meanings, leaving only what is solid and applicable.
3' reading time
Qualitative research
TSW continuously works on qualitative research, on the pursuit of quality, an investment made of foresight, intelligence, courage.
2' reading time
Eye tracking for neuromarketing tests to evaluate commercials. The Costa Cruises case
What is the value of eye tracking in neuromarketing tests aimed at evaluating commercials? We expose the case of Costa Cruises.
2' reading time