Laboratori delle esperienze


Le pubblicazioni e gli articoli scientifici sono il risultato della nostra attività di ricerca negli ambiti della psicologia e delle neuroscienze applicate, in relazione ai casi più diversificati dell’esperienza umana. Molti ambiti di ricerca si legano o prendono spunto dal mondo del marketing (molti impropriamente usano la crasi “neuromarketing”, ma noi preferiamo altre definizioni): questo perché le persone non comprano prodotti, ma vivono esperienze, sia durante il processo di acquisto, sia nella fruizione del prodotto o servizio che hanno scelto. Questa consapevolezza, maturata negli anni, è il motore che ci spinge a voler conoscere ogni aspetto di quelle esperienze per poterle migliorare per le persone che le vivono, sia attraverso i progetti che seguiamo per i nostri clienti, sia, a maggior ragione, attraverso una metodologia scientifica che accrediti i risultati per l’intera comunità.

I nostri ricercatori, psicologi certificati, neuroscienziati, ingegneri, hanno anche competenze che afferiscono ad aree umanistiche come l’antropologia e la sociologia, e scientifico-matematiche, come la statistica e l’analisi dati. Le loro pubblicazioni scientifiche sono quindi frutto delle loro dedizione e passione, della commistione di conoscenze figlia del nostro approccio dei metodi misti e della collaborazione tra TSW e realtà accreditate come università e centri di ricerca.

In questa pagina abbiamo quindi raccolto i paper scientifici dei nostri ricercatori, scritti in collaborazione con altri professionisti del settore, e le tracce più significative della nostra attività di ricerca.

01 GIU 2018

Neuromarketing empirical approaches and food choice: a systematic review

Autori: A Stasi, G Songa, M Mauri, A Ciceri, F Diotallevi, G Nardone, V Russo
Journal: Food Research International

Consumers’ food choices are often driven by reasons that consumers are not fully aware of. Decision-making about food is influenced by a complex set of emotions, feelings, attitudes, and values that are impossible to assess simply by asking consumers their opinion. Indeed, traditional techniques such as self-reports or interviews allow to measure mainly conscious and rational reactions toward a product or advertising. In the last decades, there is a rapidly growing interest in the multidisciplinary field of the so called “neuromarketing”, which takes advantage of neuroscientific techniques to study consumer behavior. This discipline applies neuroscientific methods and tools that allow to measure consumers’ emotional and spontaneous reactions in a more objective and observable way. The aim of this paper is (a) to describe neuromarketing underlying assumptions, techniques, advantages of this perspective, examining the scientific literature about the use of neuromarketing in food studies, and (b) to suggest best practices to apply this novel approach in the food marketing domain, with a specific focus on not invasive methods. Finally, although the perception of nutritional elements has been already explored, nevertheless health content of labels, the presence of additives, the evaluation of the information conveyed by food packaging are other possible elements of interest in future food neuromarketing research.

28 FEB 2018

Assessment of the Fitbit Charge 2 for monitoring heart rate

Autori: S Benedetto, C Caldato, E Bazzan, D C Greenwood, V Pensabene, P Actis
Journal: Plos ONE

Fitness trackers are devices or applications for monitoring and tracking fitness-related metrics such as distance walked or run, calorie consumption, quality of sleep and heart rate. Since accurate heart rate monitoring is essential in fitness training, the objective of this study was to assess the accuracy and precision of the Fitbit Charge 2 for measuring heart rate with respect to a gold standard electrocardiograph. Fifteen healthy participants were asked to ride a stationary bike for 10 minutes and their heart rate was simultaneously recorded from each device. Results showed that the Fitbit Charge 2 underestimates the heart rate. Although the mean bias in measuring heart rate was a modest -5.9 bpm (95% CI: -6.1 to -5.6 bpm), the limits of agreement, which indicate the precision of individual measurements, between the Fitbit Charge 2 and criterion measure were wide (+16.8 to -28.5 bpm) indicating that an individual heart rate measure could plausibly be underestimated by almost 30 bpm.

25 AGO 2017

Fake sites through the customers’ eyes

Autori: S Benedetto, C Caldato
Conference: 19th European Conference on Eye Movements

The goal of the present study was to see whether there are differences between expert and novice online shopping users with respect to their navigation behavior on search engine research pages (SERP) and fake websites. Fifteen experts and fifteen novices, were asked to complete three consecutive tasks on a pc while their eyes were tracked. In the first task participant were required to look for a specific garment on a tailormade SERP, and buy it. In the second and third tasks participants were asked to purchase a specific item on two randomly assigned fake clothing websites. As to the behavior on SERP, while experts never go on fake website, novices often fall into the trap: their goal is just looking for the best deal, regardless if it takes to a fake website or not. As to the behavior on fake websites, only the 30% of experts verified the correctness of the url, whereas just the 20% of them noticed the lack of a secure connection (https). Novices never verified neither of them. Overall look and usability seem to influence the perceived reliability of a website, rather than the correctness of the url and the presence of a secure connection.

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