What data analysis is for: TSW’s approach to go further

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Going beyond data analysis: how TSW brings together data and people to create extraordinary digital experiences


In recent years, data analysis has become one of the most important disciplines in the field of digital marketing. Through data analytics, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers’ behavior and the performance of their website or app. This allows them to make informed decisions and understand where to intervene to improve people’s experience online.

However, there are limits, which we have identified and overcome at TSW.

Let’s start from the beginning: what is data analysis for?

Firstly, data analytics allows companies to monitor and analyze the traffic of their website, e-commerce or app. This can help identify the most important channels and content, the pages that generate the most conversions, and the areas of the site that could be improved.

It can also help businesses better understand their customers’ behavior, such as their browsing path, traffic sources, and purchasing preferences. Data analysis therefore makes it possible to monitor the quality of the visit and identify any points of friction during the navigation path.

Data analytics: how we do it at TSW

Our goal is to help companies better understand the data they collect and create the best browsing experience for people as they navigate their digital ecosystems.

To do this, we start by evaluating data consistency, integrating and optimizing current tracking and analytics tools according to strategic KPIs. Once this is done, we begin the real data analysis which can be daily, weekly and monthly, in which we evaluate the results and effectiveness of the marketing actions activated in the period under analysis or the changes determined by an improvement of the site or the purchase funnel.

Data analysis

In addition to the standard actions monitored by collection and analysis systems (such as GA4), we increasingly integrate customized events to track each user’s step, also including CRM information retrieved through dataLayers or first-party cookies. We can then cross-check the data thus collected with other sources, such as business managers, to have a holistic view of marketing activities and user experience.

User experience and data analysis

In particular, data analysis is a fundamental activity for understanding the user experience of a site or an app. Through tools such as Google Analytics 4, MouseFlow or Clarity, we can monitor traffic and identify issues that are negatively impacting the user experience. For example, identifying pages with high abandonment rates or friction points in the buying process.

Depending on the tool used, at TSW we work with different methodologies such as:

  • Analysis of navigation through rendering of real sessions
  • Canalization analysis to track purchase funnels
  • Analysis of campaign performance for traffic and conversion objectives based on the starting platform or device used
  • Analysis of user engagement and activity time on pages

Creation of dashboards for data visualization

Another important activity that completes our service is the creation of customized dashboards through Google Looker Studio (formerly DataStudio) or Microsoft PowerBI. These tools allow companies to monitor the performance of their products in real time and get a complete overview of KPIs at multiple levels.

For example, a company can use a dashboard to monitor performance in summary form, gaining valuable insights with a simple click, or it is possible to integrate data from different platforms, such as Google Ads, Meta, TikTok or a CRM, to have an overview transversal and in-depth analysis of its investments.

Finally, the data modeling potential offered by these tools allows us to transform the data and aggregate them in order to further customize the dashboard according to the needs and requirements of the stakeholders involved.

Data interpretation and training

The larger the amount of information, the more complex it can be to interpret. Our goal is to make our expertise available to help companies interpret data correctly and draw meaningful conclusions from its use.

TSW supports this process by providing training to company personnel. This may include training in the fundamentals of data analysis, using data analysis tools (such as during the GA4 Training Course), and understanding the results of the analysis.

Pushing the limits of data analysis by involving people

Despite the many benefits of data analysis, there are also limitations to consider.

First, the data may be incomplete or inaccurate, especially if it comes from third-party sources or if there are cookie bars on the site, or the analysis may be influenced by external variables, such as market trends, seasonality or competition.

We must also not forget that data analysis cannot provide a complete view of the user experience, and this is due to its preference for quantitative data. For this reason, in TSW we exploit the synergy between the analysis and research teams to actively monitor people’s online activity, identify barriers in their experience and propose the most suitable tests and in-depth tools to understand and resolve the situation outlined.

It is essential to involve real people through usability tests and interviews, to evaluate if the site and app meet their needs and expectations and guarantee them the best possible browsing experience.

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14 April 2023 Alessandro Venier

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