UX and UI

People’s point of view should be accounted for in each user experience. This is the key to gradually achieving the solutions that people really need: designing everything with them.

We design strategies for the development and continuous improvement of digital and physical products and services, aiming to create the best possible experience for the people who interact with brands.

People and their feedback are always central to the design of experiences, ensuring that business goals and expectations meet and satisfy their real needs.

The TSW Experience Design is part of every phase of the project: from architecture definition and product interaction to the development of use scenarios and envisioning.

People are actively involved in every phase of the project, taking on different roles and tasks depending on its scope:

  • they provide strategic information in the analysis phase through surveys or participative design;
  • they decide how content should be arranged through card sorting;
  • they interact with a prototype and choose the best interface through usability testing and paper prototyping;
  • through usability testing, they highlight any issues that may arise during use.

the digital presence of the brand is thus optimised in terms of usability, which is continuously improved through constant monitoring. In this way we identify any issues after the initial analysis, looking for the best solution directly with the people who will actually use a certain product or service.

But this does not only involve web interfaces. The same procedure is also used when we move from the digital domain to services in the physical world that are experienced by people every day: from prices displayed in stores to totems and sales support applications.

The value and quality of the experience is always key because if a product is made with people and for people, it will be appreciated at all levels – by those who produce and innovate it, and by those who buy and use it.


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With people’s Experiences

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