#antropological marketing

Anthropological marketing is born, from the fusion of only apparently distant disciplines, to re-evaluate the people, their values ​​and their experiences.

Art is Emotion: emotions guide the experience to the museum
What happens when a person is in front of an artwork? How do we move when find ourselves in a museum?
2' reading time
A (healthy) reflection on neuromarketing
A reflection on neuromarketing in relation to traditional market research and the criticisms that are made against it.
2' reading time
Beyond marketing: to Neuromarketing and beyond
There are many aspects that influence consumer decisions. But how do you know them? Neuromarketing can give us some more answers.
3' reading time
TSW XP Lab: Enhancing Human Experience
Can we know what do people feel when they interact with brands? The answer is yes and we describe that on our new TSW XP Lab website.
1' reading time
TSW at Milan Design Week. And of EMOTIONS.
TSW was at Milan Design Week to analyze interest for detectors and people experiences, in order to measure their emotions.
1' reading time
The Nudge in the Decision Making process
How to encourage the choices of consumers, and more generally of people? Nudging and gentle push can help us. Anteprima in modalità mobileAnteprima in modalità desktop
4' reading time
Neuromarketing and Decision Making
What kind of variables influence our choices? The context and the way in which information is presented are important, but emotions are significant too.
3' reading time
TAG: UX and UI CRO digital marketing eye tracking usability test experience design product and service design retail analysis qualitative research antropological marketing The Sixth W approach user testing SEO