
Scientific publications and articles are the result of our research activities in the fields of psychology and applied neuroscience concerning widely diverse cases of human experience. Many areas of our research are linked to or inspired by the world of marketing, which is often referred to as “neuromarketing”, but we believe this term to be inadequate. People do not buy products, but rather they live experiences, both during the purchase process and the fruition of the product or service they have chosen. This awareness, gained over the years, is the engine that drives us to want to understand every aspect of those experiences in order to improve them for the people who live them. We do this through the projects we follow for our clients, but even more so through a scientific methodology that substantiates results for the entire scientific community.

Our researchers, certified psychologists, neuroscientists, and engineers, have skills that also relate to humanistic fields, such as anthropology and sociology, as well as mathematical fields, such as statistics and data analysis. Their scientific publications are therefore the result of their dedication and passion, of the combination of knowledge derived from our mixed-methods approach and of the collaboration between TSW and accredited institutes such as universities and research centres.

We have therefore gathered the scientific papers of our researchers, written in collaboration with other sector professionals, and the most significant examples of our research activities here on this page.

23 SEP 2015

Reading on screens: Constraints on the visual system

Authors: T Baccino, S Benedetto
Conference: Proceedings of the EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science



The mass digitization of books is changing the way information is created, disseminated and displayed and the question of interest for psychologists is to know what are the effects of digital devices on reading behaviors. The paper will present two potential sources of disruption in reading: 1) visual fatigue may be induced by backlit displays (television, computer screens, tablets, etc.), 2) comprehension may decrease with some modes of reading (Spritz mode) present on small displays. For visual fatigue, the paper will present two experiments in which participants performed a longitudinal study comparing prolonged reading with two last generation e-readers (LCD, E-ink) and paper book. Results from both objective (Blinks per second) and subjective (Visual Fatigue Scale) measures suggested that reading on the LCD (Kindle Fire HD) triggers higher visual fatigue with respect to both the E-ink (Kindle Paperwhite) and the paper book. The absence of differences between E-ink and paper suggests that, concerning visual fatigue, the E-ink is indeed very similar to the paper. For comprehension, we compared traditional reading (i.e. left-to-right, top-to-bottom) with a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) application (named Spritz) that is available on smartphones. This reading mode has received a lot of media attention. RSVP consists of displaying in sequential order one or more words at a time, thus minimizing saccades and eye blinks. According to Spritz’s developers, the elimination of saccades should reduce visual fatigue and improve comprehension. In this study, we had people read on a computer screen a selected part of a book either with Spritz or in the traditional way. Results seem to contradict these claims. The fact that Spritz suppresses parafoveal processing and regressions (i.e. rereadings of words) negatively affected literal comprehension. Furthermore, the important reduction of eye blinks observed for Spritz might contribute to the increase of visual fatigue.

01 APR 2015

Rapid serial visual presentation in reading: The case of Spritz

Authors: S Benedetto, A Carbone, M Pedrotti, K Le Fevre, LAY Bey, T Baccino
Journal: Computers in Human Behavior

In the era of small screens, traditional reading (i.e. left-to-right, top-to-bottom) is called into question and rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) represents one of the main alternatives. RSVP consists of displaying in sequential order one or more words at a time, thus minimizing saccades and eye blinks. Recently, a RSVP application has received a lot of media attention: it is the case of Spritz. According to Spritz’s developers, the elimination of saccades should reduce visual fatigue and improve comprehension. In this study, we had people read on a computer screen a selected part of a book either with Spritz or in the traditional way. Results seem to contradict these claims. The fact that Spritz suppresses parafoveal processing and regressions (i.e. rereading of words) negatively affected literal comprehension. Furthermore, the important reduction of eye blinks observed for Spritz might contribute to the increase of visual fatigue.

31 JAN 2015

Neuromarketing e vino: il ruolo delle etichette e la percezione di qualità

Authors: V Russo, M Mauri, M Chiappa, A Ciceri
Book: Neuromarketing, comunicazione e comportamenti di consumo

Il vino è un prodotto con una forte caratterizzazione simbolica e psicologica. Non occorre scomodare i numerosi significati che il vino ha nelle diverse religioni così come nei riti pagani per coglierne l’essenza simbolica che lo caratterizza. La forte valenza simbolica del vino e soprattutto del territorio che lo produce rende il vino un prodotto che necessita di una particolare attenzione dal punto di vista della comunicazione (Pastore, 2002). Per molti anni la produzione vitivinicola si è impegnata nell’eterna lotta di quartiere per rendere il vino di grande qualità. I produttori si sono fortemente concentrati sul valore qualitativo del prodotto lasciando al vino stesso e ai suoi interlocutori e\o produttori l’onere di raccontarsi. I risultati in questi ultimi decenni non hanno tardato ad arrivare. I vini italiani hanno raggiunto e a volte superato nei mercati sia saturi che emergenti i principali competitors. Tuttavia ancora troppo poco si è fatto in termini di comunicazione e di marketing per mettere in evidenza la forza narrativa che il vino italiano conserva in sé. Il marketing del vino deve servirsi oggi più di ieri di una forte connotazione professionale per riuscire a competere non solo con la qualità del prodotto in sé, ma anche e soprattutto con la sua migliore narrazione, presentazione e promozione. In questo capitolo si presentano I risultati relativi ad uno studio sull’ effetto suscitato da prodotti vitivinicoli. Gli stessi vini sono stati assaggiati in 2 condizioni differenti: in blind (senza conoscere alcuna informazione sul prodotto) e in situazione informata (il soggetto viene esposto sia alla visione dell’etichetta sia al prezzo del prodotto assaggiato). Il campione coinvolto era composto da 20 sommelier esperti e da 20 studenti inesperti. Strumenti tradizionali basati su questionario e tecniche neuroscientifiche basate su tracciamento dello sguardo (eye-tracking) e su reazioni neuro-psicofisiologiche sono state applicate al fine di studiare come il livello di “expetise” sia un forte mediatore delle reazioni dei soggetti coinvolti nella ricerca. I risultati mostrano come tale approccio integrato permette di inviduare le strategie di comunicazione ottimali di presentazione del prodotto vitivinicolo a seconda del tipo di target di consumatore che il prodotto intende raggiungere.


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