It was 2017 when we started this project which involved the TSW’s research team and the Ca’ Foscari University, based in Venice. Today, after three years, we received one of the most desirable recognition in the research world: a scientific publication!
To date, this is the third scientific publication in three consecutive years, with TSW involved (here you can find the paper where we validated the Fitbit Charge 2 and here, the one on the evaluation of hearth-frequency measurement through a webcam – Noldus) and we are starting to get accustomed to this publication rate. This time, however, satisfaction is even greater, because in this publication we provide an answer to a specific market need, which today has been translated into a service. A service, that is compliant with the highest research standards. This is exactly the idea we had in mind when we started making applied science.
This project started from an explicit request of a client, whose need was to assess how its own communication products and touch points were having an impact on its brand image. The final aims were to understand the relevance of different activities (i.e. which were valuable investment) and even more important, to have enough available knowledge in order to take good choices and make better decisions. On the market, there were no tools that did not suffer from participants’ subjectivity. Unfortunately indeed, surveys and interviews alone, do not always grant deep-enough results.
To this aim, we analyzed the existing literature and thereafter, we started to test the models that were slowly growing inside our minds. Furthermore, it was fundamental to have a different perspective from someone coming directly from the marketing world, that is Prof. Francesca Cecchinato from the Ca’Foscari University in Venice. Collaborations like this, are crucial if we aim to expand our field of view and observe things under a different perspective.
Therefore, the outcome of this project is a new tool, now available on the market to anyone who wants to employ it in his or her own research. We chose to have this methodology available for the public, so that it can be improved but also in order to acknowledge and highlight its limits. A methodology that allows us to really understand what bonds can be generated by an experience. For example, what associations are elicited in consumers during a test drive? What elicits the vision of a commercial? How different is the experience between retail store and e-commerce in terms of perceived values?
Today, we have a tool at our disposal, that allows us to better understand whether our communication purpose is what actually delivers to the end consumers.
Enjoy the reading of “Measuring the Effects of Video Advertising on Brand Associations”.