Reducing the paradox of choice by involving people
Involving people allows you to understand their precious point of view to choose and organize information in a clear, simple and direct way.
2' reading time
We enhance experiences by listening: the TSW approach
The 5 W rule today has a new element, which is fundamental for us: the WITH. A notion of togetherness that is the basis of the deep motivations of many of our practices.
2' reading time
TSW speaker at Measuring Behavior 2018 in Manchester
TSW ha presentato i suoi case e organizzato un tavolo di lavoro interdisciplinare al symposium “Integration of traditional and neuroscientific techniques in the study of consumer behaviour: the contribution of Neuromarketing”.
1' reading time
Let’s start from why: the value of people’s experiences according to TSW
Testiamo e miglioriamo le esperienze con le persone, non solo “per” le persone. Lavoriamo con le aziende, non solo “per” le aziende.
2' reading time
TSW and Gallerie d’Italia Intesa Sanpaolo for the exhibition “The Last Caravaggio”
Intesa San Paolo Innovation Center asked the TSW Experience Lab to evaluate the emotional impact of some works of art exhibited at the Gallerie d'Italia...
1' reading time
LeDoux’s “double path”: the two different ways of reacting to brain stimuli
How does the brain process information and stimuli? The "double way" of neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux explains a theory.
9' reading time
A (healthy) reflection on neuromarketing
A reflection on neuromarketing in relation to traditional market research and the criticisms that are made against it.
2' reading time
Beyond digital: analyze the omnichannel customer journey
Understand customer journey, that is considering user like a precious resource between the interconnection between different touchpoints and the link among channels.
4' reading time
TAG: retail analysis qualitative research antropological marketing The Sixth W approach user testing SEO UX and UI CRO digital marketing eye tracking usability test experience design product and service design