Quantitative research: what is the value of an unexpected result?
Hidden value of nonresults in quantitative research. Unexpected results offer new insights for understanding and improving business strategies.
3' reading time
Observing the experience in the bookshop: a research project within the Mondadori Store bookshops
Research project conducted by TSW in Mondadori Store bookshops. Observing the in-store experience by examining storefronts, atmosphere, and personal interactions.
2' reading time
Imitation not to influence, but for better experiences
How neuroscience has opened new frontiers in understanding the mechanisms of imitation. Evolution of its concept in marketing.
1' reading time
Wellbeing and efficacy of anti-aging creams: people’s experiences
Anti-aging creams can improve psychophysiological well-being. This is demonstrated by a study that combines objective data and personal experiences of the participants.
1' reading time
Creating lasting connections with Emotional Design
Emotional Design creates digital products and services that meet user needs and generate lasting engagement and connections.
2' reading time
TV commercials and analysis of psychophysiological responses
Psychophysiological analysis of the WINDTRE commercial: lost attention, negative emotional response and low percentage of recall of the promotional offer.
3' reading time
Improving people’s experience with electroencephalogram (EEG)
In this article we will explore how using the EEG can help improve people's experience to make deeper and more meaningful connections.
1' reading time
Today we know something more about the human being.
Experience marketing is a revolution that puts customer experience first. Design together to achieve common goals.
3' reading time
Sound branding: the experience that passes through sound
Sound branding defines the sonic identity of a brand. Listening experience in the use of products and services impacts on people's experience and perception.
3' reading time
How brand perception changes depending on cognitive load and emotional intensity during navigation
Our investigation activity regarding the cognitive load of a digital experience, conducted without interruptions and divisions by tasks.
3' reading time
TSW at the Master in Business & Management of the University of Padua
TSW at the MBM of the University of Padua: lesson on scientific methodology applied to the cosmetics sector, to test creams and personal care products.
1' reading time
Cetif: the new website designed together with people
The new site created for Cetif is an example of participatory design to improve people's online experience.
4' reading time
Unired: how to measure the effectiveness of a dietary supplement by listening to people
Measuring the effectiveness of a dietary supplement with people is a winning point for companies and end users. Read our experience in this article.
2' reading time
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, between art and neuroscience
A research project aimed at evaluating the experience of using the works in the museum itinerary.
6' reading time
Eye tracking for neuromarketing tests to evaluate commercials. The Costa Cruises case
What is the value of eye tracking in neuromarketing tests aimed at evaluating commercials? We expose the case of Costa Cruises.
2' reading time
TAG: retail analysis qualitative research antropological marketing The Sixth W approach user testing SEO UX and UI CRO digital marketing eye tracking usability test experience design product and service design