Customer experience in the retail sector: the TSW analysis of Autogrill
Autogrill is the leading company in the travel catering services industry. Historically committed to enhancing its offer, it has recently worked in collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo to develop the Bistrot concept.
2' reading time
TSW at Milan Design Week. And of EMOTIONS.
TSW was at Milan Design Week to analyze interest for detectors and people experiences, in order to measure their emotions.
1' reading time
Usability and neuromarketing. The complete experience of people.
Usability and neuromarketing integration can take to a complete understanding of the experience of people.
2' reading time
Neuromarketing, automatic processes and implicit users responses
Traditional marketing researches stop at what consumers explicitly declare about something, but actually there is much more to learn.
2' reading time
Constructive dialogue: when client and designer meet
Mood board, style tile and style guides: the tools to activate a dialogue between designer and client and achieve the objectives of a project together.
3' reading time
TAG: eye tracking usability test experience design product and service design retail analysis qualitative research antropological marketing The Sixth W approach user testing SEO UX and UI CRO digital marketing