Native advertising: what it is and how to optimize it
Native advertising allows you to create relevant content, monitor metrics and customize ads to reach your target audience.
2' reading time
Linkedin Ads for B2B: people always at the center
LinkedIn Ads campaigns can help B2B companies reach their target audience accurately and effectively.
2' reading time
How to create an effective landing page? 10 rules for design
Creating an effective landing page: 10 rules to maximize conversions. Effective ads thanks to cta, content consistency and mobile-friendly design.
3' reading time
Google Marketing Live 2023: the future is built on AI
The main news of Google Marketing Live 2023: new campaigns, updated targeting and new types of ads, all driven by AI.
2' reading time
Display campaigns: how to make them effective by listening to people
How to make display campaigns more effective using user listening techniques and tools such as Eye Tracking.
2' reading time
Pinterest towards Social Commerce: the collaboration with Amazon
Pinterest and Amazon team up to simplify user purchases and offer new opportunities for digital advertising. Let's see the available Campaign Formats.
1' reading time
Digital marketing: what awaits us in the next 5 years
The digital marketing of the next 5 years: from artificial intelligence to personalization, here's how companies will increase their online visibility.
11' reading time
Digital ADV and automation: Meta’s Advantage+ Shopping campaign
Google and Meta have created new technological solutions to automatically optimize campaigns based on the people who see and interact with them.
2' reading time
UniCredit: the best online adv campaign designed with customers and their experiences.
For TSW's approach, good design means involving customers and their experiences. This research was applied to UniCredit’s online adv.
1' reading time
Google Ads Performance Max: maximize ad campaigns by listening to people with machine learning
Google Performance Max is a tool that aims to speak to the right people for the message you want to communicate with ad campaigns.
3' reading time
Proximity Marketing: why it is so important for Digital Marketing
The fifth P, Proximity, of Proximity Marketing, now an essential tool for Digital Marketing and Shopping Experience.
4' reading time
KPIs: everything you need to know about performance indicators
The KPIs, their meaning, and their use in the company, and in the Marketing disciplines. Why they are so important, how to choose them.
5' reading time
TSW at SMXL 2020 in Milan: the Discovery Campaigns
TSW, in the person of Jessica Marcon, attended at SMXL 2020 in Milan, with a speech on the Google Ads Discovery Campaigns.
3' reading time
Dynamic product ads for prospecting: how to show the right product to the right person
What are Dynamic product ads for prospecting and what are the differences with the classic Static Prospecting and Dynamic Remarketing campaigns.
3' reading time
A brief guide to Google Dynamic Search Ads
Google's Dynamic Search Ads campaigns, a paid boost to organic positioning: what they are, why they are used, and how they work.
2' reading time
I will follow you until you buy (or almost): what dynamic remarketing is and how it works
Overview of use of dynamic remarketing and performances on the main digital advertising platforms, Google Ads and Facebook Ads.
5' reading time
TAG: user testing SEO UX and UI CRO digital marketing eye tracking usability test experience design product and service design retail analysis qualitative research antropological marketing The Sixth W approach