TSW at the MBM of the University of Padua: lesson on scientific methodology applied to the cosmetics sector, to test creams and personal care products.
User experience and consumer experience are expressions which we frequently encounter, but what is the experience of which we speak and when we say that we take care of it to improve its quality? What aspects do we register or take into consideration?
Shopping online with home delivery: a survey on three organised large-scale distribution brands to understand how Amazon affects our online shopping experiences.
July 24th is an important date for those who work in digital marketing. Google will implement a reorganization of its products dedicated to analysts and advertisers. This "revolution" should lead to positive changes both in terms of operations and in the format of the instruments themselves.
TSW ha presentato i suoi case e organizzato un tavolo di lavoro interdisciplinare al symposium “Integration of traditional and neuroscientific techniques in the study of consumer behaviour: the contribution of Neuromarketing”.
Anthropological Marketing is an interdisciplinary approach that uses strategies and techniques that combine qualitative research aimed at studying the cultural values of the target in relation to market needs.
How is cognitive load monitored? Skin conductance (GSR), eye-tracking and electroencephalography (EEG) investigate the balance between usability of the interface and information complexity.
How to encourage the choices of consumers, and more generally of people? Nudging and gentle push can help us.
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