The evocative power of words: creating valuable content to generate connections
Language and word choice can evoke emotions, build meaningful relationships, and turn communication into a memorable experience.
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Newsletter to put people at the centre: 5 practical tips
From personalization to active involvement, 5 practical tips for creating newsletters that put people at the centre.
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Codified Creativity: how AI is revolutionizing the creative process
TSW integrates AI into its innovative approach, where the collaboration between artificial and human intelligence gives rise to creative and meaningful solutions.
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Observing the experience in the bookshop: a research project within the Mondadori Store bookshops
Research project conducted by TSW in Mondadori Store bookshops. Observing the in-store experience by examining storefronts, atmosphere, and personal interactions.
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Can social networks and artificial intelligence dialogue?
How the interaction between social networks and artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining the landscape of digital communication.
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TSW: a continuous research center for companies capable of listening
TSW offers companies the opportunity to truly understand their customers' needs through continuous research and active listening.
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impREsa immobiliare with TSW: redesigning the online experience through listening
User experience testing with real estate agents and buyers/sellers, and active listening to redesign/improve people's experience on the website.
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IED and TSW: listening and optimization for an improved user experience
How the strategic partnership with TSW has allowed the European Institute of Design to work effectively on its digital success.
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How Forel gave the floor to her collaborators, and listened.
TSW conducted an employee assessment for Forel Spa, collecting valuable voices for the company in order to enhance well-being and collaboration.
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92% of B2B companies have the future in their hands
Only 8% of Italian companies adopt a mature customer-centric approach. TSW drives lasting relationships and success with personalized B2B experiences.
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How to Put Art in a Book: art at the service of people
What is the role of publishing in its multiple relationships with art. Exhibition curated by Leonardo Sonnoli and hosted at the Teatrino of Palazzo Grassi, Venice.
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17th Architecta Summit 2023: the central role of people
Architecta Summit 2023 in Venice: reflections on language, synergies and innovation. The design choices favor collaboration and importance of people.
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Wellbeing and efficacy of anti-aging creams: people’s experiences
Anti-aging creams can improve psychophysiological well-being. This is demonstrated by a study that combines objective data and personal experiences of the participants.
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Words matter, but it’s the tone of voice that creates authentic connections
The importance of a tone of voice adapted to different marketing communication channels, to establish meaningful connections with the public.
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Creating lasting connections with Emotional Design
Emotional Design creates digital products and services that meet user needs and generate lasting engagement and connections.
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The importance of brand association and listening in design
How the art of creating a meaningful brand association goes beyond the surface of aesthetics and is intertwined with listening to people.
2' reading time
TAG: eye tracking usability test experience design product and service design retail analysis qualitative research antropological marketing The Sixth W approach user testing SEO UX and UI CRO digital marketing